Monday, October 18, 2010

"In the eyes of a Ranger..."

I promise, there is an explanation to this insanity!
Here's what's going on:
Recently, littlest bro M. has developed into quite the Walker Texas Ranger fan. He plans to be Walker for our church's Fall Festival, so our Mimi bought him a pair of cowboy boots (on sale) and Mom purchased a black cowboy hat for him. When he isn't watching the show, he's running around punching, kicking and making obnoxiously loud battle cries. Oh, and pretending to shoot people, which we do not condone. We're trying to get him to stop.
Anyhoo, it's so cute, and watching "Walker" run around playing the other day inspired me to draw this. I think you can guess who it is...
Oh, and just ignore my thumb. My printer does not have a scanner with it, so I had to use my camera to take a picture, and then upload it onto my computer. The shot isn't very good, and neither is the drawing (I'm not a professional), but I had fun doing it, and that's all that matters... right?
Latah gatah's!
P.S. Yes, the poor boy does have some problems pronouncing his R's.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Pic for Thought

Hola mis amigos!
If I may have a moment of your time, there's something I've been wanting to try. An experiment, if you will. Tell me what you think!
(ahem) I, the Overlord of Blogland - hereby challenge everyone reading this to leave a comment, giving your thoughts on this picture. What's going on? Why on earth does that sun have a face? And most importantly: WHAT IS MY BROTHER THINKING?

Have fun peeps!
P.S. Thanks to my bro N. for providing us with such entertaining facial expressions!