Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Howdy ya'll!
I tried to post yesterday, but my computer froze up before I could publish it(how I loathe technology), so I'm going to have to write the whole thing again. I'll just give you the short version.
Yesterday we had 120 people as opposed to Day 1's 112 people.
Yesterday's question was "Does God Care About Me?" and the song was "God Cares." Pretty self-explainatory.
I pretty much stay in the sanctuary the whole time, so I don't know their day-to-day Bible verses, but the Scripture for the whole week is James 1:5. Look it up.
Well, I have to go for Day 3 now. I'll update later.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Vacation Bible School- Day 1

Today was day 1 of VBS! I think I kinda covered that one already... Oh well, moving on.
It was absolutely wonderful! Including workers there were 112 people in all, I think the total number of children was 78. Not huge, but still a great turnout for the first day, and everyone had loads of fun, including me!
I believe I told you in a previous post that I am helping with the music for our VBS. Of course we have the theme song for this year(Saddle Ridge Ranch), but we also have a different song for the kids to learn each day that corresponds (cool word) with that day's lesson.
Today's question was Who Am I? and today's song was appropriately named Who HE Says I Am. Both have LOTS of moving around. Now, can you imagine doing those songs at least ten times a day, from 9 in the morning to 12, five days a week. I can now... and it's only the first day!
Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trade it for the world, but five or six different classes (and age groups), back to back for 4 hours! Let's just say I'm beat before we're even done, and I pray constantly that the LORD will renew my physical, mental and spiritual strength, and I tell you, He does! It floors me how I seem to forget how tired I am when that new class walks in, and I can smile and laugh and do it all over again! It's totally worth it though, to see the smiles on kids faces, and to hear them say "Hey, Miss Emily!" It's the greatest feeling in the world to know that you've made a positive impact on their lives, and because of the love you've shown them, they may open up their hearts to the LORD and His love.
I can't wait to do it again tomorrow! Yeehaw!
P.S. Sorry grands, no pictures.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Getting ready for VBS!

Hey, again!
On Monday, our family journeyed the two hours to Seneca to visit grandparents. Sans Dad. Being a pastor, he had to go to a convention. As usual, we had a great time seeing them again!
The church that most of our family goes to, Hepsibah- is currently having their VBS. Lifeway's VBS theme this year is Saddle Ridge Ranch. Yeehaw!
Now my family, and a few of my friends- know that VBS is the time I shine. It is what I look forward to all year, and I'm a teenager! I've been helping with our church's VBS since I was 12 or 13. First, I helped teach classes (mostly as law enforcement), but last year I helped with music. I'm doing the same this year. The music leader (hey, T!) is going to do the singing while I do the jumping around for her. Which is a good thing, since I can't carry a tune in a bucket. XP
Every year I've been helping teach I've done a little something fun with my outfit. For example, several years ago for Arctic Edge, I wore a scarf (but only the first day, it was really hot), last year for Boomerang Express, I wore a cool Australian-looking hat, and this year I've got a cowboy hat and different colored bandannas.
I highly recommend doing this if you are a VBS worker. I've found that it really helps the children to warm up to you. They know that you care about them enough to make a complete fool of yourself. I've realized that many of those children come from awful home situations, and they need someone to make them laugh, and to love on them. Of course, I'm always willing to dish out hugs, and I don't mind making a fool of myself if it puts a smile on a kid's face.
Our VBS starts this upcoming Monday, just three days!!! Please pray for the workers who receive great blessings, but no rest, and pray for the children who come. Whether they are regular church-goers, or someone whose parents wanted some free babysitting for a few days- they all need Jesus, they all have the same inner desire to know Him, and they all need His, and our- love.
P.S. Here's some pictures of Hepsibah's VBS. I'll be posting on ours as we go along.
The little girl with the blue bow is my cousin Molly. Hey, miss Molly! The little girl sitting to her left is Shaynah my little friend and distant relation.
Some random decor and music class with the little ones.
The lovely lady in the middle with the hat is my Aunt Michelle. (Shout out!) She's doing music at Hepsibah with two other ladies.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Parker's Plight

This handsome little boy is Parker.
I keep him at church on Wednesday nights while his mother practices with the choir. Our families are good friends(Pitty Pat's Porch is his grandmother, you can find a slideshow of Parker's photos on her blog). He is only five months old and already has had far too much trouble for someone of his small stature.
I probably won't get all of this right, so bear with me.
The poor baby had to have surgery on Monday. Not long ago, his parents noticed that his soft spot was closing too quickly. They took him to the doctor and it was found out that fluid from Parker's brain that was supposed to drain from his brain to his abdomen, was not draining properly. It was causing his head to swell slightly and he probably had a headache since he was born. Well, anyway. They took him in to surgery on Monday and put a stent in. They also put in a tube that ran from his head to his abdomen, draining the fluid.
He was able to go home on Wednesday, and last I heard, he was recovering very well.
Everything is going well, but this is nothing he will grow out of. The stent could last anywhere between two weeks to ten years, but they expect him to live a perfectly healthy, normal life. Nevertheless, please pray for him and his family. They are very near and dear to us, and I call Parker "My Baby". (Hey! I'm the babysitter, I can do that!)
There will be more pictures in the future. I know ya'll are excited about that! ;)
Later Day's everyone!
P.S. Tomorrow I'll try to post some pictures of him the day after he was born.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Been a While!

Hello again, everyone!
I know it's been a while, but I wanted to post and tell ya'll about about the past few days.
Let's see.
Friday: From 11(a.m.) to about 3 (p.m.) my my brother N(shout-out!) and I went to the park with the youth. First we enjoyed sandwiches and Frisbee, and then a nice walk. I took several good pictures, and I believe everyone had a lot of fun, I know I did!

Later, we went to a kid's pool party at a friends house, also fun, but no pictures!

Saturday: ...Nothing out of the ordinary! Tricked ya! Haha!
Sunday: During the morning service the Movement team and I performed Worthy is the Lamb(by Hillsong, I think) and SMS Shine(by David Crowder Band). I don't know what the SMS stands for, so don't even ask. My wonderful and fabulous and loving and very, very patient mother, got one of them on video for me. THANKS MOMMY!!!
Sunday night the youth (myself included) did a musical called LIFE. It went very well, but we didn't get any pictures or video, sorry. After the musical most of the youth went to our music leader's house for a pool party. It was fun, too.

All in all a very tiring, but still wonderful weekend. I hope this weekend is quieter...
Goodnight, all!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Spring Showers Bring... whatever

Hello again!
I wanted to make a quick post and show ya'll some pictures of my Nana's beautiful flowers.
Obviously, she's got the green thumb in the family. The only thing I'm good at with plants is kill them. LOL!
I love you, Nana!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Hey, Ya'll!
I wanted to drop a line real quick and make an announcement on behalf of my whole family.
(Deep breath)
I'm done shouting now. ;)
I Love you so much and I hope you have a great birthday!
Later Days! (Now, where have I heard that? ;D )

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Let Us Remember...

I am so very sorry, I can't believe I forgot Memorial Day!!! Someone kick me please...
I know it's a little late, but I just want to thank all the brave men and women who have served and who are currently serving, and remember those who have given their lives for our Country. Memorial Day is not just to celebrate those in our Armed Forces, but also their families. Let us all remember to pray for our troops and their families every day. For the people who have lost sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, moms and dads, those who have let them go to war in spite of the danger. It's because of you we can be safe and worship as we please without fear. You are real-life heros!
GOD Bless America!

...I'm tired...

Hey ya'll!
Many of you may know that yesterday the Atlanta Braves battled against the Phillies at Turner Field. A much smaller percentage of you know that our church's Youth Choir went to see said game. I, being part of the Youth Choir-went along. Let me pause and say that the real purpose of going was, in my opinion- not to see the game, but to get some practicing in for our upcoming musical, but that's just me. It was a very good excuse, too. Going to see the Braves beat the tar out of the Phillies (12 to 3), or going to practice our music and skits on the three hours there and back? Hmmmm... Mrs. T, you're a sneaky one!
Anyway, it was a great game! Now, if it's on the TV, I couldn't care less, but there's something different about actually being there. I got so into it that the poor, innocent empty water-bottle I had in my hands got crushed! I was absent-mindedly wringing it the whole time.
Well, like I said, the Phillies got beat, and I was beat by the time I got home!
It's so good to get back into the swing of things. You see, Tuesday is Library Day in our family. Everyone (minus Dad, who is at work) goes to the Library and picks out some books. We usually come home with quite a few!
Well, I'll quit wasting your time, now. Bye, everyone!